Wednesday, 8 January 2025

Making a Fresh Start …..

Well, with Christmas all packed away, it’s time to make some

plans for a serious reset here at home. 

Thinking that I should probably tackle one room at a time,

I opted to begin with the living/dining room. 

It’s a bit of a cheat really as this room is pretty much already set up to work

well as it is but it seemed like the best (easiest?) place to start

and I knew a deep clean wouldn’t go amiss.

So, with a carpet shampooer borrowed from my DD,

I got busy, working from the ground up, 

first in the living room section of the room & then in the dining room area.  

What a difference it has made; the whole room looks so nice.  

Carpets have been cleaned, window sills have been scrubbed,

all the woodwork has been wiped down, the mini blinds have been washed

and the furniture dusted and polished.

Only small jobs but they’ve made a good beginning to the new year

in a few little corners of my home

I like this little 1:44th scale roombox that sits on top of my bookcase

And yes, I like these kitty cats on the fireplace hearth

my little plant corner by the front window

The Christmas leftovers have either been eaten up or tucked away in the

freezer so now I’ll have to do some meal planning for the coming weeks. 

I want to eat more protein & vegetables and reduce my carb intake

so I’ll need to be mindful of that when planning meals and buying groceries. 

Trying some new recipes (and maybe some different foods) will hopefully

tempt me to become accustomed to a lighter and hopefully healthier diet.

And I must do a lot better at getting my daily quota of water!  

I have a weight loss goal and want to work towards achieving it so

in an effort to learn more about myself, I will explore more deeply the reasons

behind my comfort-eating and work on resolving those issues.

I will try to remember to lean more on the support of my fellow

weight-loss group members when I hit a stumbling block instead of internalizing

a sense of failure and beating myself up about it.

I'm trying to be more consistent when it comes to exercising and am finding

that having a chair Yoga session is a great way for me to start my day

although walking is still, by far, my very favourite way to exercise.

I like to get my steps by walking outdoors

but when the weather doesn’t suit me, I walk the halls in my apartment building;

that's a bit boring perhaps but still, the steps add up and that’s what matters. 

Well, I’m off now to sort through several weeks’ worth of mail etc

that’s been squirreled away in the depths of the china cabinet drawer

Note to self: must find a better way to deal with paperwork.  

Then as a reward I'll take myself out for a nice walk

on this cold, crisp and sunny winter's day.

Right … that’s it for now.  

Until Next Time … Nanny Anny 


  1. What a great year way to start the new year, I am so impressed! What you've done already is amazing, and your plans sound so sensibly doable. You are going to have a great 2025!

  2. setting the goal of “One thing at a time “ seems to expand into some many other places in life ….. dealing with ONE negative thought pattern at a time ….. dealing with ONE negative behaviour at a time …. etc …etc ……. it is SO EASY for us to try to tackle more things at a time and thereby sabotage the whole plan !!!!! …. you are off to a great start …. perhaps l’ll attack one cupboard tomorrow !!!!!
