Sunday, 26 July 2015

Childhood Memories ....


While browsing through a local antiques market a while back, I found an old tin dollhouse just like the one I had over 60 years ago.  It appeared to be in pretty good condition for its age and the price was very, very good so of course, I bought it.


I think I would have received my childhood house at Christmas time in 1953 and I actually still have some of my own original pieces of furniture so I have been having fun placing them in my little house and happily recalling the joy that playing with my dollhouse gave me as a young child.

I will have to look for some affordable pieces to replace a few of my own that have gone missing over the years and one piece that is broken so I am looking forward to having fun searching out the replacements for these items.

In the kitchen, I still need to find a refrigerator to match the stove and sink units.  Those pieces as well as the table and chairs were mine from years ago.  I have added a few 'vintage look' modern miniature pieces to add to the mood of the room.

The master bedroom has twin beds, reminiscent of the 50’s.  (I suppose the current residents of my little house don’t use the fireplace in there as the large double dresser has been placed in front of it).
The bathroom is still very much a work in progress.  The toilet is broken so I need to find both a bathtub and new toilet to match the original sink. 

So far, all I have in the nursery is a playpen, a pushcart and a tiny wooden train set (the train is modern but has a retro look).  I will be searching for a vintage crib and bathinette for this room.
The livingroom just has some furniture odds and ends right now and everything is a different colour.  (I guess the current residents must have a very eclectic taste in furniture!) Some pieces were mine and some I found at an antique sale but this room will likely undergo some changes as I find more pieces that would have been original to this type of dollhouse.

This dollhouse also reminds me of how much times have changed as I'm sure no modern dollhouse would have a lithographed fireplace with a rifle hanging on it!

I am enjoying this fun bit of nostalgia and and I must say that I like my dollhouse today nearly as much as I enjoyed my original one so many years ago .... maybe even more!!

Have a good day, everyone!
Nanny Anny



  1. Wow, this really brings back memories! I love your pictures, as I have long lost my doll house pieces many of which were exactly the ones you have here. What a great post, keep them coming :-)

  2. I think I could spend hours just playing and sorting things out in that lovely dolls house!
    Thank you for joining me.

  3. I think I could spend hours just playing and sorting things out in that lovely dolls house!
    Thank you for joining me.

  4. Hello! Thanks for following my blog - I love blogland! Your dolls house is just gorgeous and brought back memories of the one I used to have. It was a mansion by today's standards! Six huge rooms plus the roof came off! The whole back came off too for full playability. I did love it. Thank you for reminding me of it. Have to say, those sofas do not look very comfortable at all!

  5. What a lovely dollshouse, full of childhood memories for you, nowonder you were thrilled. Enjoy your treasure. Pam in Norway

  6. first I'd like to thank you for your kind comment on my Winter Heart it was nice of you to visit the blog.
    The little tin house is so lovely and also reminded me of the toys of my childhood that are so collectable now.
    We used to make dolls houses and furniture a few years back,I wan't blogging then but I wish I had taken loads of photos as I know there are peole out there who would have liked to see them.
    Will be popping back to see you again.

  7. I can imagine the depth of your happiness my dear friend.
    I loved your precious dollhouse who brought your childhood back. It is so pretty and gorgeous!
    Hope you find missing stuff soon to make it more adorable

  8. Have you looked at the lovely creative way Vix ( in U.K.) has worked on her dollhouses- very inexpensively. She can be found at She is now in India for a month but you can easily look back a few posts. JF
